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Clive Rosfield Ranks Second in Push Square's Best Final Fantasy Protagonist Poll

Push Square recently conducted a poll to determine the best Final Fantasy protagonist, and the results are now available. The poll, which received a substantial 3,164 votes from Final Fantasy fans, has revealed some interesting insights.

Claiming the top spot in the poll is the legendary Cloud Strife, an iconic character known for his stern demeanor and ex-SOLDIER background. Cloud garnered an impressive 33% of the overall vote, solidifying his position as the ultimate favorite among fans.

However, it is not surprising that Clive Rosfield, the main character of the newly released Final Fantasy XVI, secured the second position. Clive's popularity as a leather-clad hero was evident, as he commanded a remarkable 21% of the votes.

Following behind Clive and Cloud, the other Final Fantasy protagonists garnered varying levels of support. Tidus, Squall, and Zidane each received 11%, 9%, and 9% of the votes, respectively. Terra and Lightning followed with 4% each, while Cecil and Noctis managed to gather 3% of the votes. Regrettably, Vaan received only 1% of the vote, while Firion and Bartz did not receive significant recognition.

It's evident that Clive's strong performance in the poll was influenced by the recent release of Final Fantasy XVI, which allowed fans to connect with the character on a fresh and exciting level. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, it will be intriguing to see how new characters and future releases fare in the hearts of Final Fantasy enthusiasts.


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