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FFXIV Director Naoki Yoshida Open to Anime or TV Series

In a recent Famitsu interview during the FFXIV Fan Festival 2023 event in Las Vegas, Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida was asked about the possibility of expanding Final Fantasy XIV into anime, movies, or TV series. He expressed his openness to the idea but emphasized that he would need to be directly involved in any such project.

When asked about the potential for an anime or TV series based on Final Fantasy XIV, Yoshida mentioned that he would be interested in exploring the idea of a TV series if he could take on the role of executive producer. However, he acknowledged that his current responsibilities as the Producer and Director of Final Fantasy XIV, as well as overseeing the Creative Business Unit III and holding executive and directorial positions, might make it impractical for him to take on the role of a TV series director.

Yoshida clarified that Final Fantasy XIV has not ruled out the possibility of spin-offs, anime, or movies, and they have received numerous requests and inquiries from various sources. Nevertheless, he revealed that, at present, there are no concrete plans for such ventures. If they were to proceed with expanding Final Fantasy XIV into other media, Yoshida assured fans that they would strive to maintain the players' existing image of the game and be meticulous in their efforts to adapt it to visual storytelling. Should the opportunity arise, they would aim to deliver a high-quality production. Although there are no current plans in place, Yoshida conveyed his hopeful intentions for such projects in the future.


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