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Final Fantasy VI Remake: A Potential 20-Year Endeavor, Says Kitase

In a recent interview with YouTuber Julien Chièze, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi and producer Yoshinori Kitase discussed the potential challenges of a Final Fantasy VI Remake. Kitase mentioned that such a project could take twice as long as the FFVII Remake, estimating around 20 years. The increased amount of characters and playable content presents a significant obstacle.

Kitase: If we were to remake Final Fantasy VI in the same vein as FF7 Remake, it might take twice the amount of time it has taken to make the FF7 Remake series. The volume we will need to work with is much more than FF7 and has more party characters too. We would probably need to prepare a lot of things, so I can’t imagine that to be a task we have the resources to take on at the moment. However, many people even within the company have often asked whether we would consider an FF6 remake, and although I don’t have the answer, I am very happy to hear that!

While the desire for an FFVI remake exists within Square Enix, Kitase emphasizes the current lack of a green light for the project. Despite resource constraints, the interest within the company is evident.

Thank you, Audrey, for the direct translation!

Here is the original interview in French:

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