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Final Fantasy XVI - Ben Starr Draws from Personal Tragedy to Craft Clive's Character

Ben Starr expressed how the parallel themes between the game and Clive's own journey helped him process his real-life loss. He credited the game for allowing him to channel his grief into something creative and positive. The voice actor praised the development team for giving him the freedom to express himself fully, which resulted in authentic and emotional performances.

Furthermore, Starr shared a heartfelt tribute to his late father, acknowledging his significant role in introducing him to the Final Fantasy series through Final Fantasy VIII. He emphasized that his father's support and influence had a profound impact on his life and career. Starr expressed his desire for his father's memory to be remembered as an integral part of Final Fantasy XVI, stating that his father's presence was woven into both the game and Clive's character.

The interview concluded with Starr expressing gratitude for the game, claiming that it saved his life. He mentioned that his last conversation with his father occurred while he was on his way to record for Final Fantasy XVI. The loss of his father had devastated him, but the process of working on the game helped him rebuild himself emotionally, providing a form of armor against the pain.

Ben Starr's admission about the personal significance of Final Fantasy XVI and his journey while voicing Clive serves as a reminder of the profound impact video games can have on people's lives. It highlights the therapeutic nature of creative outlets and the ability of storytelling to aid in the healing process.

Final Fantasy XVI is highly anticipated by fans, and this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the emotional depth brought to the game by its voice actor only adds to the anticipation and appreciation for the upcoming release.

Watch the full interview here:

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