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Final Fantasy XVI Concludes with the Release of Rising Tide DLC

Final Fantasy XVI has wrapped up its story with the release of the Rising Tide DLC. In an interview with vg247, DLC director Takeo Kujiraoka shared insights into the development process and the team's commitment to giving players an outstanding experience.

The Rising Tide DLC brings Leviathan, the Eikon of Water, into Clive's journey, enriching the game's storyline and adding new challenges. Kujiraoka showed excitement about the team's growth and the significant strides they made during development. Drawing from their experience with the main game, the team was able to produce the DLC more efficiently and smoothly.

“Working on the DLC after the main game has already been released, you can get this feedback from players and we can take that into account as you're developing. So I am really, really grateful for all the players and their feedback.”

Designed for players who know the game's combat well, the DLC features tougher battles and chances to delve deeper into Clive's skills. The team worked on polishing and expanding the existing content to ensure fans are satisfied. Moreover, the new Kairos Gate mode pushes the game's combat to the edge, offering players intense challenges to conquer.

Rising Tide enriches the story with tougher enemies, new moves, character development, and interesting exploration areas. Players should finish the main story before diving into the DLC to fully grasp the additional narrative it offers. Although the DLC doesn't change the game's ending, it meets the demand for more content beyond the main story, enhancing the overall experience.

Kujiraoka compares the DLC to an expansion pack for an MMO, adding more story, a new field area, side quests, and a thrilling Eikon battle. The director highlights the team's commitment to delivering an expansion packed with content that fans will love.

“That is to say that we took all of the fundamental elements making up Final Fantasy XVI and added a bit more to them. So that's more story, that's a whole new field area that contains a town with side quests, that's new Eikonic abilities for Clive, and that's a new Eikon battle. We put everything into this expansion.”

In summary, Final Fantasy XVI's Rising Tide DLC concludes the game's journey. With challenging battles, and new story elements, players can dive back into the world of Final Fantasy XVI.



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