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Final Fantasy XVI is facing review bombing due to its PS5 exclusivity

The release of Final Fantasy XVI has not been immune to the phenomenon of review bombing, with some users deliberately giving the game negative reviews in an attempt to lower its overall score.

Although Final Fantasy XVI has received widespread acclaim from critics, it is currently facing a review bombing campaign on Metacritic. Its user score currently stands at 7.7, which was even lower in the last 24 hours. Many critics have praised the game as one of the best entries in the main Final Fantasy series. However, the controversy surrounding the game arises from its exclusivity to the PlayStation 5.

The game's exclusivity to the PS5 seems to be the primary reason behind the influx of negative user reviews on Metacritic. Some users suggest a conspiracy involving favorable review scores due to the game's exclusivity. Interestingly, many of the accounts that gave Final Fantasy XVI a 0/10 rating also awarded perfect 10/10 scores to many Xbox exclusive games, supporting this theory.

However, it is worth noting that not all negative reviews are related to the exclusivity issue. Some users have expressed disappointment with Final Fantasy XVI's action-oriented combat system, wishing it had stuck to the franchise's turn-based roots. Others have criticized the pacing of the story and expressed underwhelming experiences with certain side content.

Despite the mixed user reviews, professional critics have overwhelmingly praised Final Fantasy XVI, considering it a strong contender for Game of the Year. The game has received acclaim for its cutting-edge graphics, thrilling battles, and captivating storyline. While review bombing campaigns have become common for major game releases, it is unlikely that this will have a significant long-term impact on Final Fantasy XVI.


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