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Final Fantasy XVI Team Addresses Fan Concerns, Promises Improved Framerate and Customization Options

The developer team has addressed fans' concerns about the game's framerate performance. They have confirmed that they are actively working on enhancing the game's performance in this aspect. Moreover, the team is exploring possibilities to configure or disable the motion blur effect, as well as providing options to adjust the camera's movement speed.

In response to player feedback, the developers are also looking into the potential to disable the auto-follow feature, particularly for companions. This would give players more control over their in-game experiences.

In addition to these improvements, the development team is considering expanding the range of button-binding options. This would offer players greater flexibility in customizing their gameplay controls to suit their preferences.

These updates reflect the team's commitment to refining and enhancing the overall gaming experience in Final Fantasy XVI. Fans can look forward to a more optimized and customizable gameplay experience as these improvements are implemented.

For those interested in watching the full broadcast where this information was discussed, the video can be viewed below:

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