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Final Fantasy XVI: The Rising Tide DLC Explores Leviathan's Power and World of Valisthea

Final Fantasy XVI approaches its first anniversary with a promising DLC, The Rising Tide. Square Enix, after the surprise Echoes of the Fallen release, is set to introduce Leviathan, a water Eikon absent from the main game.

In a recent Game Informer interview, Naoki Yoshida revealed the decision-making process behind the DLC. Square Enix strategically left out Leviathan from the base game, waiting to gauge the demand for additional FFXVI content. Yoshida explained that they had a possible story in mind for DLC and wanted to ensure there was interest from the players. Yoshida assures players that Clive obtaining Leviathan's powers won't alter the original ending. The Rising Tide will take place before the game's finale and offer players a deeper understanding of the world of Valisthea and the characters in Final Fantasy XVI.

The Leviathan battle in the DLC is highly anticipated, as Eikon fights have been a highlight of the FFXVI experience. Takeo Kujiraoka, the DLC director, emphasized that they aimed to deliver a unique and visually stunning battle with Leviathan. Unlike previous Eikon battles, this one will feature a significant amount of water-based attacks, providing a fresh and dynamic gameplay experience.

The Rising Tide DLC is expected to offer around 10 hours of additional content, expanding the already immersive world of Final Fantasy XVI. Although no release date has been announced, fans can look forward to its arrival this spring.

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