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Square Enix Celebrates 10th Anniversary of A Realm Reborn with Eorzean Aetherobics!

To mark the 10th Anniversary of A Realm Reborn, Square Enix has come up with an interesting initiative called Eorzean Aetherobics. This series of exercises incorporates movements inspired by the beloved characters from the game. These exercises are easy to follow and perfect for stretching between raids and duty runs in Final Fantasy XIV.

Zhexos from the community team explains the motivation behind creating this exercise video for the Warriors of Light in the official FFXIV Blog. With many people working from home or spending extended hours indoors, the team wanted to provide simple and easy-to-follow stretches for short breaks during work or gaming sessions.

The movements featured in the video are all from Final Fantasy XIV. Square Enix collaborated with Rennaisance Inc, a Japanese company known for running various sports clubs, to bring this initiative to life.

Check out the video below:

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