Today, on August 8th, 2023, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, a beloved spinoff entry, celebrates its 20th anniversary. The game, initially launched for the Nintendo GameCube two decades ago, introduced a unique feature that allowed players to employ a Game Boy Advance as a controller, enabling collaborative play with up to three other participants. This cooperative gameplay encouraged players to solve puzzles, combat foes, and share vital information, often in the company of friends and family.
In honor of this significant milestone for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, a special message has been conveyed by Akitoshi Kawazu, the producer of the series, along with a captivating illustration crafted by the series' art director, Toshiyuki Itahana. Both of these contributions have been shared on the official "Final Fantasy Portal Site."
Producer Akitoshi Kawazu expressed, "It's the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Personally, I feel regret for not being able to satisfy the fans who have been holding out hope for an all-new FFCC game. While there's so much I'd like to do, I just can't find the time to do it all. I know that the characters deserve to shine again, yet I've been unable to provide them with another adventure. They're eager to set out to discover the true meaning of the crystals' blessing, and much like those of us who were cooped up at home for the past few years, they could only gaze up at the skies above their respective towns, day after day. But new trials do await them—ones from which they will grow stronger. Please trust that one day, a brand-new chapter will be added to their adventure."
Toshiyuki Itahana, the Art Director, shared his enthusiasm, stating, "I'm thrilled to have the honor of drawing an illustration for the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Many of these characters I hadn't drawn in so long that I couldn't help but feel like I was reuniting with old friends I hadn't seen in forever."
For those interested in experiencing the allure of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, the Remastered Edition is available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile platforms. This newly enhanced version preserves the essence of the original game while introducing modern elements such as online multiplayer mode and cross-play. These additions enable players to transcend platform boundaries and embark on a vast journey through an expansive world in collaboration with their companions.
The 20th-anniversary illustration for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles can be admired below:
Source: Final Fantasy Portal