Square Enix has introduced a new event for Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis. Started Sep. 10 7:00 PM PDT, players will be immersed in the vibrant Beach Festival Fun event, set in the picturesque locale of Costa del Sol. Adding an unexpected twist to the festivities is the appearance of the mischievous Watermelon Tonberry, promising a unique beach experience for players to enjoy this summer season.
Exclusive quests tied to the event present players with the opportunity to secure rewards including the Huge Mega Watermelon, Lifesaver, beach Costumes and a unique Parasol Weapon.
To join in the fun, players must have successfully completed the "FFVII CHAPTER 1 MAIN SECTION 3 – EP 1." The festivities will continue until September 29, 2023, concluding at 12:59 PM PDT.
For additional information, be sure to check out the official tweet announcing the Beach Festival Fun event for Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis below: