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The Music Of Final Fantasy XVI: Part 4 – The Sound

In the last part of the exclusive Game Informer interview, Masayoshi Soken talks about the music and sound design of FFXVI.

The music of Final Fantasy XVI has been carefully crafted to suit the game's themes and setting. Soken explains that the soundtrack incorporates various elements to create a dark and classical feel, such as male chorus, brass instruments, and strings.

While the overall score maintains a classical style as per the producer's guidance, Soken deviated from it for one battle track to better match the intensity of the fight. The inclusion of this unique piece received positive feedback from the development team. The localization director, Koji Fox, wrote lyrics for this track and even provided vocals, which were mixed with Soken's voice.

Additionally, the music draws inspiration from previous Final Fantasy games, including Final Fantasy XIV. The selection of instruments and styles is influenced by the geography and nations within the game's world, Valisthea. The goal was to create a cohesive and focused musical experience that aligns with the story, with minor adjustments and variations within the main classical sound.

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