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Yoshida Emphasizes SSD Necessity for Final Fantasy XVI PC Port

Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida recently highlighted a key consideration for the upcoming PC port: the choice of storage technology. Specifically, Yoshida strongly recommends using Solid State Drives (SSDs) for an optimal gaming experience, citing the crucial role of loading speed.

In a recent Famitsu interview, Yoshida acknowledged the challenges associated with running the game on traditional hard drives. To address this, he announced that detailed PC requirements, including specific SSD specifications, would be released soon. This information aims to assist players in ensuring their hardware meets the necessary criteria for a smooth gaming experience.

The endorsement of SSDs isn't just a suggestion but a practical necessity, according to Yoshida. As games like Final Fantasy XVI continue to push the boundaries, quick loading times become increasingly vital for an immersive gameplay experience.

In conclusion, Yoshida's emphasis on SSDs underscores the commitment to providing PC players with an optimal gaming adventure. Stay tuned for detailed specifications and consider upgrading to an SSD to fully enjoy the dynamic world of Final Fantasy XVI.

Below is the translation of the statement by

Interviewer: I’m sure many people are looking forward to the PC version, but what kind of PC requirements should we prepare for?
Yoshida: We will announce the details in due course. Even if we do our best to adjust the GPU requirements, hard drives will be tough to run the game on because loading speed is of the essence when it comes to Final Fantasy XVI. Of course, we will do our best to optimize as much as possible, but we can’t do anything about the hardware barrier on our own. For now, consider an SSD a must. We will announce the exact recommended specs at another time.


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